
Hypopressive Reprogramming (Functional Systemic Reprogramming-RSF)

Together with the postures used therapeutically in AHG, over the years Dr. Nestor Serra has perfected dynamic protocols, effective both in preventative re-education and compensatory work, as well as being a support in athletic training.

RSF emphasises postural and performance aspects through in-depth work on the body’s framework, on the toning of abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor, together with the involvement of all the postural muscles in action, to the voluntary movement of the abdomen, and special breathing.

It is effective in reaching functional objectives, such as an increase in muscular tone of the abdominal walls and pelvic floor; in the prevention and management of urogenital problems, hernias and protrusions.

The protocol of RSF exercises is therefore valuable in the second phase of functional postpartum recuperation.

Among the aesthetic objectives, together with postural realignment, most relevant are a decrease in the waistline and an increase in muscular tone of all areas of the body.

I 2 protocols, divided up by level of difficulty, include static postures for warming-up and more demanding and dynamic motor sequences.

This class is much appreciated by all age groups, by amateur and competitive athletes, and by anyone who wants a slimmer waist, a flat stomach, correct posture and an efficient body.

We suggest 2/3 sessions a week, or 1 alongside other disciplines or sporting activities.

Why choose Riprogrammazione Sistemica Funzionale (RSF)

Most of the pathologies due to poor control of the internal pressure in the abdominal-pelvic cavity – pathologies of the perineal, abdominal and back area – are associated with poor postural control.

With the program RSF (Functional Systemic Reprogramming) it is possible to develop a stable base, decreasing the tone of the thoracic diaphragm and increasing the reflex response of the abdominal fascia and perineum.

These are postural, rhythmic and repetitive exercises that aim to create stimuli for the respiratory system, abdominal and pelvic muscles to increase basic muscle tone and improve the functions of the abdominal muscles.

Particular feature of this workout is not to increase (or decrease) intra-abdominal and pelvic pressure. This makes it feasible even in the presence of pathologies such as diastases, hernias or prolapses.

This practice can be associated with a particular breathing called diaphragmatic aspiration, characterized by an abdominal suction during the expiratory phase that has a hyper-vascularizing action on the legs and abdomen, improves venous and lymphatic drainage and draws up the pelvic organs.

We recommend 2/3 sessions per week, or 1 to be integrated with other disciplines or sports activities.