Benefits Hipopressive Techniques
- Increases abdominal muscle tone, significantly reduces the waist line and stabilises the lumbar region, without increasing pressure on the internal organs of the pelvis;
- Readjusts the muscle chains supporting the muscular-skeletal structure, leading to excellent work on postural correction and an increased ability to balance;
- Limits or reduces lumbar pain, thanks to the decompression of the intervertebral discs;
- Excellent preventative protocol to follow in all cases of hernia (abdominal, inguinal, umbilical, of the discs, vaginal) and osteitis pubis;
- Prevents joint and muscle injuries through the return to normal muscle tone;
- Increases muscle tone of the pelvic floor, guaranteeing strong support for the visceral pelvic mass and the spinal column;
- Prevents a drop in pelvic organs and limits the development of existing prolapses, through correct repositioning of the abdominal viscera;
- Improves the tone of the urethral and anal sphincters, preventing incontinence;
- Decompresses the pelvis’s lymphatic ganglia, thus improving circulation of the pelvis itself and of the legs, promoting venous return and lymphatic drainage, the prevention of oedemas and a decrease in sensations of heaviness;
- Improves sexual functions, through an increase in blood flow and sensitivity in the genital area;
- Represents the best strategy to recoup pelvic and abdominal function following giving birth (diastasis recti). The exercises are used in hospitals around the world in preparation for conception and successive recuperation;
- Facilitates gastro-intestinal transit and reduces abdominal swelling;
- Counteracts the loss of muscular tone during the perimenopause and menopause;
- Improves lung function and regulation of respiratory parameters, increasing the supply and use of oxygen and releasing the diaphragm;
- Improves sporting performance, through increasing blood and respiratory parameters, posture realignment, a better body framework and increased functional capacity of the entire organism;
- Enables compensation and conforming to high impact sports (tennis, running, horse-riding, volleyball, aerobics, jumps etc).